S2 Ep16: Dialogue | Today, I did grocery shopping at a market 오늘 시장에서 장을 봤어요

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시즌2, 16화. 대화편 | 오늘 시장에서 장을 봤어요

Season 2, Episode 16 – Dialogue | today, I did grocery shopping at a market

V: 안녕하세요? 뭐 주문하시겠어요?

         Hello? What would you like to order?

C: 안녕하세요? 닭 한마리하고 소고기 500그램 주세요. 

         Hello? One whole chicken and 500 grams of beef, please.

V: 네, 닭은 잘라서 드릴까요?

         Yes, Do you want me to cut up the chicken into pieces?

C: 네, 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다. 다 해서 얼마예요?

         Yes, please. thank you. How much would that all be?

V: 닭고기는 6,000원이고 소고기는 10,000원이에요. 그래서 총 16,000원이에요. 

         Chicken is 6,000 won, and beef is 10,000 won. So the total is 16,000 won.

C: 현금으로 계산할게요. 여기요.

         I’ll pay in cash. Here you go.

V: 네, 고객님, 그런데 혹시 삼겹살은 안 필요하세요? 오늘 새로 들어와서 고기가 정말 신선해요. 

         Okay. By the way, don’t you need pork belly? They arrived today, and the meat is really fresh.

C: 아, 그래요? 그 삼겹살 한번 볼 수 있어요?

         Oh, right? Can you see that pork belly?

V: 네, 여기 삼겹살 있어요. 한번 보세요. 어때요?

         Yes, I have pork belly here. Take a look. How is it?

C: 우와, 정말 고기가 신선해 보여요. 

         Wow, the meat looks really fresh.

V: 네, 그렇죠? 그럼 조금 드릴까요?

         Yes, right? Do you want some?

C: 네, 500 그램만 주세요.

         Yes, only 500 grams, please.

V: 그럼 삼겹살까지 포함해서 총 25,0000원이에요.

         So including pork belly, the total is 25,000 won.

C: 네, 여기 3만원 드릴게요.

         Yes, I’ll give you 30,000 won here.

V: 감사합니다. 여기 잔돈 5,000원 있어요. 

         Thank you. I have 5,000 won for your change.

C: 감사합니다. 

         Thank you

V: 좋은 하루 되세요.   

         Have a nice day

Okay, We heard a dialogue in Korean that may take place in a grocery shopping

In this dialogue, we can learn useful expressions to the actual situations. Then now, shall we break down the conversation together?

V: 안녕하세요? 뭐 주문하시겠어요?

C: 안녕하세요? 닭 한 마리하고 소고기 500그램 주세요. 

V: 네, 닭은 잘라서 드릴까요?

C: 네, 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다.

The staff in the store opened the dialogue by saying 안녕하세요? 뭐 주문하시겠어요? Hello? What would you like to order?

뭐 주문하시겠어요? What would you like to order? This expression often can be “뭐 하시겠어요?” as well. Because it’s already an obvious situation that the staff is expecting to take an order so sometimes people simply say like 뭐 하시겠어요? What would you like?

Also, in this dialogue, we could hear the units in Korean.

닭 한 마리, One whole chicken. This unit 마리 is for counting the number of animals. So we can see that this unit also can be used even for dead ones as well.

So 닭 한 마리 is a whole chicken.

소고기 500 그램, 500 gram of beef. Depending on the speaker, the word can sound slightly different, like 그람 because it came from English, so basically, it can be any. But 그램 is the standard word to say it.

Also, If it’s a kilogram, you can say it in more various ways as well.

For example, 5 kilogram is 5 킬로, 5 키로, 5킬로그램, 5 키로그램.

Do you hear the difference?

It’s slightly different. But the standard one is 킬로그램, but people tend to pronounce 키로 more often in everyday conversation.

And then later the staff said 닭은 잘라서 드릴까요? Do you want me to cut up the chicken into pieces?

잘라서 드릴까요? Cut and give you? Here the staff used the word 드리다 instead of 주다 to give. Actually, 드리다 and 주다 mean the same. The only difference is 드리다 this verb itself is honorific enough, whereas 주다 has just general meaning of to give.

And the customer goes on to say 네, 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다. Yes, please, Thank you. The verb 부탁하다 means requesting or leaving a task to do a favor or a work for you. It’s quite different compared to English given that please in English is just a word, but 부탁하다 is a verb, right?

All right, now that we know the meaning of all the sentences in this part let’s move on to the next part.

C: 다 해서 얼마예요?

V: 닭고기는 6,000원이고 소고기는 10,000원이에요. 그래서 총 16,000원이에요. 

C: 현금으로 계산할게요. 여기요.

다 해서 얼마예요? How much is it in total? 총 16,000원이에요. It’s 16,000won in total. So as you hear from these two sentences, you can know how to say in total in Korean.

다 해서 in total

총 in total

다 해서’s literal translation is “Including all,” so this expression is usually used in shopping. On the other hand, 총 is usually used number mathematically in total. Of course, both words can substitute one another, but usually, 총 is more used with the number.

And we could also hear how to say types of meat in Korean.

닭 is a chicken and 닭고기 is chicken meat

소 is a cow, 소고기 is beef 

돼지 is a pig, 돼지고기 is pork

오리 is a duck, 오리고기 is duck meat

But seafood and fish are different

물고기 is alive fish, 생선 is fish as food

And other kinds of seafood are not distinguished from alive ones to the ones like food.

V: 네, 고객님, 그런데 혹시 삼겹살은 안 필요하세요? 오늘 새로 들어와서 고기가 정말 신선해요. 

C: 아, 그래요? 그 삼겹살 한번 볼 수 있어요?

V: 네, 여기 삼겹살 있어요. 한번 보세요. 어때요?

C: 우와, 정말 고기가 신선해 보여요. 

V: 네, 그렇죠? 그럼 조금 드릴까요?

C: 네, 500 그램만 주세요.

고객님, usually clerks in stores or restaurants call customers like so. Since Korean people tend not to say the word “You” directly, people always find alternative ways to call the others. In such situations, people call customers as 고객님, whenever they need to say you to the customers.

And we could hear the expression 오늘 새로 들어와서 고기가 정말 신선해요. Today it’s newly supplied, so the meat is really fresh.

고기가 신선해요 the meat is fresh. This adjective 신선하다 can be used to any other foods or air like 이 과일이 신선해요 This fruit is fresh, 이 채소가 신선해요 This vegetable is fresh. 오늘 공기가 아주 신선해요 The air is very fresh today. Also, it can be used when describing something new and fresh like 그거 정말 신선한 아이디어예요 That’s really a fresh idea.

All right, we’ve seen this part thoroughly, now let’s hear the last part.

V: 네, 알겠습니다. 그럼 삼겹살까지 포함해서 25,0000원이에요.

C: 네, 여기 3만원 드릴게요.

V: 감사합니다. 여기 잔돈 5,000원 있어요. 

C: 감사합니다. 

V: 좋은 하루 되세요.   

In this dialogue, at the last part, we could hear the expression 좋은 하루 되세요 Have a good day. Actually, the literal translation is “Be a good day.” Here the word 하루 means a day, not 한 날. Just for saying a day, there’s a particular word like this 하루.

And the expressions that are used in this dialogue will be very useful in the actual situations, so see the transcript on our website as well as listening to this explanation to apply for similar cases in reality.

So you did a good job today as well. 오늘도 수고했어요!

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