S3 Ep6: There are three ways to say “That’s what I’m saying!” in Korean 한국어로 “That’s what I’m saying”을 말하는 3가지 방법

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시즌3 6화. 한국어로 “That’s what I’m saying”을 말하는 3가지 방법

S3 EP6. There are three ways to say “That’s what I’m saying!” in Korean.

안녕하세요?  잘 지냈어요?  It’s your host of Korean study café, Vanessa. Today, let’s learn to properly say “That’s what I’m saying” or “I know” when you hear what you wanted to say from someone in Korean.

First of all,

내 말이… My word (phrase) means…

내 말이 그 말이야. My word (phrase) means that word (phrase)

제 말이 그 말이에요. My word (phrase) means that word (phrase) (honorific)

In this part, the word 말 means an act of speaking. It also means other various things such as words, language, talk, phrases. Do you see the commonality? So 말 is the word that is used broadly to describe the act of speaking in Korean.

In that sense, the most common expression to say “That’s what I’m saying” is “내 말이..”, which you can only use with your close ones. This expression is shortened to this whole sentence “내 말이 그 말이야 My speaking(speech) is that speaking(speech).”

Also, if you want to speak honorific way, instead of 내, use the word 제. Also, use the verb form 이에요 instead of 이야.

This expression is very commonly used in everyday conversation between close ones, so it might not be appropriate to use this to someone you have to speak with at the most honorific level.

To understand better this expression’s usage, let’s hear the example dialogue.

A: 주민이는 왜 항상 숙제를 늦게 제출해? 그것 때문에 매번 선생님이 화내는 것 같아.

Why does Jumin always turn in his homework late? I think the teacher gets angry every time because of that.

B: 내 말이…! 정말로 다음 수업에는 주민이가 숙제를 제 때 제출하면 좋겠어. 선생님이 자주 화 내니까 공부에 잘 집중할 수 없어.

That’s what I’m saying! I really hope that for the next class, Jumin will submit his homework on time. I can’t concentrate on my studies as the teacher often gets angry.

Secondly, we have this one.

그러니까(그러게)… That’s why…

그러니까(그러게) 말이야. That’s why (I’m) saying(I’m making this speech)

그러니까요(그러게요) That’s why… (honorific)

그러니까(그러게) 말이에요. That’s why (I’m) saying (I’m making this speech) (honorific)

This one is also used casually with close ones in Korean as a tone to say “I know!” when you hear something that you wanted to say from others.

This expression literally means “That’s why I’m saying,” but it actually means “I agree with you, so I would say the same thing.” This expression was shortened a lot from the original meaning over time. In everyday conversation, people usually just say up until 그러니까! 그러니까요!

To understand better this expression’s usage, let’s hear the example dialogue.

A: 어제 BTS 라이브 공연 봤어? 어떻게 그렇게 춤을 추면서 라이브로 노래도 잘 할 수 있어?

Did you see a BTS live performance yesterday? How can they dance like that and sing live well?

B: 그러니까! 정말 대단해.

I know! They are amazing.

All right, then let’s check out the last one. That is what I was going to say.

내가 말했던 게 그거야 / 제가 말했던 게 그거예요. That is what I said. 

내가 말하려던 게 그거야 / 제가 말하려던 게 그거예요. That is what I was going to say. 

내가 말하는 게 그거야 / 제가 말하는 게 그거예요. That is what I am saying.

This expression is equivalent to the English expression “That’s what I’m saying, or That’s what I mean” Just word order is different. Do you see that?

Also, depending on the situation, you can use different verb tenses. When you hear your point that you already made from others again, you can say with using the past tense like 내가 말했던 게 그거야 What I said is that(That is “That’s what I said”)

Also, when you hear from others what you wanted to say but had no chance to do so, you can say, “That’s what I was going to say!” 내가 말하려던 게 그거야.

Lastly, when you hear from others what you are trying to say, you can say, “That’s what I am saying!” 내가 말하는 게 그거야.

How was it? Were you able to understand all the expressions that we learned today? If you are struggling with understanding some expressions, just send me a message through our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or our website koreanstudycafe.com.

Then, let’s hear the example dialogue that used this expression.

A: 남주혁은 왜 이렇게 멋있어?

Why is Nam Joo-hyuk so handsome?

B: 그러니까! 진짜 그 눈빛이 너무 좋아. 뭐라고 해야 하지? 그 눈빛 보면 가슴이 뛰어.

I know! I really like those eyes. What should I say? When I see those eyes, my heart races.

A: 맞아. 엄청 로맨틱하고 자상한 눈빛이야.

That’s right. Very romantic and caring eyes

B: 내가 말하려던 게 그거야. 로맨틱하고 자상한 눈빛! 진짜 어떻게 그런 눈빛을 가질 수 있어? 

That’s what I was going to say. Romantic and caring eyes! How can you really have those eyes?

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