S2 Ep7: Short Story | Our life that is changed because of COVID19 코로나 바이러스 때문에 바뀐 우리 삶

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시즌2, 7화. 짧은 글편 | 코로나 바이러스 때문에 바뀐 우리 삶

Season 2, Episode 7, A short text | Our life that is changed because of COVID19


Today’s episode was created based on a request via Instagram from a listener named “Rebeca” from Costa Rica.

Then now, shall we listen to the text?


Transcript in Korean

코로나 바이러스 때문에 작년부터 많은 사람들의 삶이 어려워졌어요. 지난 1년동안 정말 많은 사람들이 코로나에 걸렸어요. 그리고 많은 사람들이 죽었어요.

다행히 코로나 백신이 빨리 만들어졌어요. 그래서 저는 지난 주에 코로나 백신을 맞았어요. 그런데 2차 접종 후 많은 부작용이 있었어요. 열이 나고 어지러웠어요. 그리고 계속 피곤했어요. 그래서 잠을 많이 자고 몸에 좋은 음식을 먹었어요. 

이런 부작용 때문에 몇 일동안 힘들었어요. 하지만 지금은 괜찮아요. 얼른 다시 코로나 바이러스 없는 삶으로 돌아가고 싶어요. 

 Translation in English

The life of many people has been difficult since last year due to the Coronavirus. Over the past year, so many people have contracted COVID, and many people have died.

Fortunately, a coronavirus vaccine was created quickly. So I received the COVID vaccine last week.  However, after the second vaccine, there were many side effects. I had a fever and was dizzy, and I kept being tired. So I slept a lot and ate healthy food.

I was struggling for a few days because of these side effects. But I’m okay now. I want to go back to life without the Coronavirus as soon as possible.

How was it?  Were you able to understand it? It was about our life that is changed because of COVID-19

Now let’s break down some valuable expressions together. 

코로나 바이러스 때문에 작년부터 많은 사람들의 삶이 어려워졌어요. 지난 1년동안 정말 많은 사람들이 코로나에 걸렸어요. 그리고 많은 사람들이 죽었어요.

 맞아요. Right… This is most people’s life nowadays, right? 코로나 바이러스 때문에 작년부터 많은 사람들의 삶이 어려워졌어요. Because of COVID-19, many people’s lives got difficult from the last year. 정말 많이 불편해졌어요. 그쵸? It’s very uncomfortable, right? I agree. You know, I currently live in Canada because I’m married to someone who lives in Canada. At first, I thought it wouldn’t be a problem cause I will visit Korea to see my family every year. But I didn’t expect something like this could happen. Yes, well. That’s life, right?

Anyway, people say this expression a lot 코로나 바이러스 때문에 because of Coronavirus, and due to the Coronavirus. There are many terms to call this virus in Korean. The most common way to say it in everyday conversation is 코로나 Corona. But when you write about it like a news article, blog post, etc. it’s better to use the words 코로나 바이러스, the full name or 코로나 19 COVID-19. 


Okay, and let’s see another critical expression. As you see here, since this text is written as a journal, most sentences are in the past tense. So it’d be great material if you are learning past tense. When it comes to verb conjugation to past tense, it becomes a lot easier if you know the present tense form. 


I know there are some rules like if the verb stem ending with the vowels ㅗ or ㅏ, then add -아요, or if the verb stem ending with the vowels other than those two, add -어요, and so on.

Well, it’s the original rule, but there’s a much simpler way to conjugate the verb to the past tense. The key is knowing the present tense. For example, the verb 하다 to do. Its present tense form is 해요, right? 

To make it to past tense, all you have to do is replacing 요 to ㅆ어요. So the verb 하다’s present tense is 해요. So I take out 요 of this form and will add ㅆ어요, then it becomes 했어요. 

And the good thing about this rule is that there’s no exception. For example, the irregular verb 듣다 to listen and its present tense is 들어요, right? Then all we have to do is taking out 요 from the present tense, and add ㅆ어요. Then the past tense is made like 들었어요. Okay, if you listen to this rule, it may sound a little bit confusing. Then visit our website and see the transcript of this episode. I put a detailed explanation about past tense conjugation. Trust me; it’s way more straightforward than you would think.

All right! Then now, let’ hear the next paragraph.

[Scroll down to see the detailed explanation about the past tense conjugation]


다행히 코로나 백신이 빨리 만들어졌어요. 그래서 저는 지난 주에 코로나 백신을 맞았어요. 그런데 2차 접종 후 많은 부작용이 있었어요. 열이 나고  어지러웠어요. 그리고 계속 피곤했어요. 그래서 잠을 많이 자고 몸에 좋은 음식을 먹었어요. 

Well, did you guys get vaccinated? 여러분은 백신을 맞았어요? 저는 2차 백신도 맞았어요. I completed the 2nd dose. 

For those of you who did get vaccinated yet, if I share my story, I quite had some side effects 부작용—저는 부작용이 꽤 있었어요. 

우선 열이 나고 I had fever, 어지러웠어요. I was dizzy. 그리고 피곤했어요 I was tired. But I was like that for 1-2 days, and the side effects were gone. 

But still, it varies depends on the person. So try to have a good amount of sleep and eat healthy food. 잠을 많이 자고 몸에 좋은 음식을 먹으세요. And more importantly, have a good rest after the 2nd dose—2차 접종 후에는 푹 쉬세요.

Okay, as you listened, this text includes excellent expressions about the symptoms; apart from the transcript, I will upload a list of related vocabularies on our website. So go and visit and download the list for your effective learning. 

All right, then now, shall we listen to the final part? 

이런 부작용 때문에 몇 일동안 힘들었어요. 하지만 지금은 괜찮아요. 얼른 다시 코로나 바이러스 없는 삶으로 돌아가고 싶어요. 

Oh, I think the last sentence of this paragraph would be all of the people’s wishes, right? 얼른 다시 코로나 바이러스 없는 삶으로 돌아가고 싶어요. I want to go back to life without Coronavirus soon again. 맞아요. 코로나 바이러스 없는 삶 life without coronavirus. 질병 없는 삶 life without disease. That’s the wish of all, right? It’s also an excellent expression to apply in many cases—something without something. Something 없는 something. 

사람들 없는 영화관 movie theatre without people

김치 없는 한식 korean meals without Kimchi

희망 없는 미래 future without hope

You can use this expression like so. 

 As I mentioned earlier, if you go to our website, you can see the transcript of the episode and the list of vocabulary related to this topic.

Past tense conjugation


The verb form in the present tense – 요 + ㅆ어요

Regular Verbs

* 가다 (To go)

Drop the 요 of the present tense form(가요) and add ㅆ어요

가 + ㅆ어요 = 갔어요 (I went / You went / He or She went / They went / etc. )

* 보다 (To see, watch, look)

Drop the 요 of the present tense form(봐요) and add ㅆ어요

봐 + ㅆ어요 = 봤어요 (I saw / You saw / He or She saw / They saw / etc. )

* 먹다 (To eat)

Drop the 요 of the present tense form(먹어요) and add ㅆ어요

먹어 + ㅆ어요 = 먹었어요 (I ate / You ate / He or She ate / They ate / etc. )

* 하다 (To do)

Drop the 요 of the present tense form(해요) and add ㅆ어요

해 + ㅆ어요 = 했어요 (I did / You did / He or She did / They did / etc. )

Irregular verbs

* 듣다 (To listen, hear)

Drop the 요 of the present tense form(들어요) and add ㅆ어요

들어 + ㅆ어요 = 들었어요 (I listened / You listened / He or She listened / They listened / etc. )

* 덥다 (To be hot)

Drop the 요 of the present tense form(더워요) and add ㅆ어요

더워 + ㅆ어요 = 더웠어요 (It was hot)

Related vocabularies about disease symptoms

Memrise Flashcard (Disease symptoms)


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