S2 Ep11: A Short Text | My hobby is learning Korean

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안녕하세요? 잘 지냈어요? It’s your host of Korean study café, Vanessa. 

Today we will listen to a story written by a student who has shared his/her hobby.

Then now, shall we listen to the story?

저는 취미가 많아요. 왜냐하면 저는 다양한 관심사가 많기 때문이에요. 

우선 제일 좋아하는 취미는 자전거 타기예요. 자전거를 타면 좋은 경치를 보면서 운동을 할 수 있어요. 좋은 경치를 보면 스트레스가 풀려요. 그래서 일이나 공부 때문에 스트레스를 받을 때 마다 자전거를 타요. 

그리고 또 다른 취미는 외국어 공부하기예요. 저는 요새 한국어 공부를 정말 열심히 하고 있어요. 저는 목표가 있어요. 한국어로 한국인들하고 같이 자연스럽게 대화하고 싶어요. 그리고 언젠가 한국 드라마도 자막 없이 보고 싶어요. 그리고 또 한국에서 유학을 하거나 취업을 하고 싶어요. 

I have many hobbies because I have many different interests.

First of all, my favorite hobby is riding a bicycle. By riding a bicycle, you can exercise while staring at the beautiful scenery. A good view relieves stress. So whenever I feel stressed because of work or study, I go out and ride my bike.

Another hobby of mine is to study and learn foreign languages. I am studying Korean hard these days. I have goals to communicate naturally with Koreans in Korean and watch a Korean drama without subtitles someday. Also, I want to study abroad or find a job in Korea.

How was it?  Were you able to understand most of it? Even if you didn’t, it’s totally fine because we will see the meaning together now.

All right, then, Now let’s break down some valuable expressions together. 

저는 취미가 많아요. 왜냐하면 저는 다양한 관심이 많기 때문이에요. 

So the speaker was saying about 취미 hobbies in this story. 여러분은 취미가 많아요? Do you guys have any hobbies? Well, 저는 예전에는 취미가 많이 없었는데 지금은 많아요. I didn’t have a lot of hobbies, but I have many now. 

왜냐하면 저는 다양한 관심사가 많기 때문이에요. Because I have various types of interests, here the word 관심사 is a little bit different from the word 관심. Both terms are translated as interests, but nuance-wise, it’s a bit different.

관심 means interests or attention, while 관심사 implies things that attract your interests. For example, 저는 자전거에 관심이 많아요 means I’m interested a lot in bicycles while 저는 관심사가 많아요 mean I have many things that attract my attention. Do you see the difference? All right, great!

Then now, let’s see the sentence structure—왜냐하면 —- 기 때문이에요. So to say 왜냐하면 for meaning because then you should end the sentence with verb + 기 때문이에요. Otherwise, it sounds incomplete. 

To add a verb to the expression 기 때문이에요 is easy. You can just utilize the verb stem part, the verb part without 다. So for example, 많다 to be a lot, take out 다 and just add 기 때문이에요. Then the form is completed like 많기 때문이에요. So keep a note that if you start the sentence with “왜냐하면 because,” you have to end the sentence with – 기 때문이에요. The whole combination means like “it’s because of the reason is (blank – state your reason)-“

So don’t forget this. Okay, then now let’s hear the next part.

우선 제일 좋아하는 취미는 자전거 타기예요. 자전거를 타면 좋은 경치를 보면서 운동을 할 수 있어요. 좋은 경치를 보면 스트레스가 풀려요. 그래서 일이나 공부 때문에 스트레스 받을 때 마다 자전거를 타요. 

우선 제일 좋아하는 취미는 자전거 타기예요. First of all, the hobby that I like the most is riding a bicycle. 자전거 타기 riding a bicycle. If you add 기 after a verb stem, you can turn it into nouns corresponding roughly to “-ing” in English like “riding a bicycle, studying Korean,” and so on. 

In the third paragraph as well, we could hear the same expression. It was 한국어 공부하기 studying Korean. So I took out 다 and added 기 instead, so now it’s 한국어 공부하기. 

So we can use such expressions to say like this—제 취미는 자전거 타기예요. My hobby is riding a bicycle—제 취미는 한국어 공부하기예요. My hobby is studying Korean. 

Since it’s not very complex in conjugation, you can easily use this form in many ways. 

Try to create a sentence using this one and leave us a comment on our Instagram. Then if it’s needed, I will correct your sentence. 

All right, then the speaker said 자전거를 타면 좋은 경치를 보면서 운동을 할 수 있어요. When I ride a bicycle, I can see the good sceneries while working out. Yes, that’s the reason why I love 자전거 타기. Here’s a new word 경치. It means sceneries in Korean. Also, the word 풍경 is a synonym. You can substitute one another. 

And then 좋은 경치를 보면 스트레스가 풀려요. 그래서 일이나 공부 때문에 스트레스 받을 때 마다 자전거를 타요. If I see the excellent sceneries, my stress is released. So whenever I get stressed out because of my work or study, I ride a bicycle. Do you guys have any good way to release your stress 스트레스 풀다 when you got stressed out 스트레스 받다? Please share your methods to release your stress 스트레스 풀다 with us. It will also help others to have a good idea for that. 

All right, awesome. 

Then now, it’s the last paragraph.

그리고 또 다른 취미는 외국어 공부하기예요. 저는 요새 한국어 공부를 정말 열심히 하고 있어요. 저는 목표가 있어요. 한국어로 한국인들하고 같이 자연스럽게 대화하고 싶어요. 그리고 언젠가 한국 드라마도 자막 없이 보고 싶어요. 그리고 또 한국에서 유학을 하거나 취업을 하고 싶어요. 

또 다른 취미 another hobby 는 외국어 공부하기 studying Korean(foreign language) 예요. Hmmm… I’m pretty sure that it’s your hobby as well, right? 여러분의 취미도 외국어 공부하기예요. 그쵸? So you are studying Korean really hard 그래서 한국어 공부를 열심히 하고 있어요, 그쵸? So does the speaker here.

And she said 저는 목표가 있어요. I have a goal. 한국어로 한국인들하고 같이 자연스럽게 대화하고 싶어요. I want to talk fluently with Korean people in the Korean language. 한국어로 in the Korean language. It’s also your goal, right? Well, of course, you can achieve that goal because you are now listening to this podcast and study real hard! 여러분 모두 화이팅! 

And let’s see an expression point in this sentence. A verb stem + 고 싶어요 means I want to the meaning of the verb. So like here, 한국어로 대화하고 싶어요 I want to talk in Korean, 드라마를 보고 싶어요 I want to watch K-dramas, 유학을 하고 싶어요 I want to study abroad, 취업을 하고 싶어요 I want to get a job. This conjugation rule is also straightforward. There’s no exception and just utilize the verb stem, the verb part, after taking out 다.

Simple and easy, right? 

Then what’s your goal of learning Korean? Can you try to say your learning goals in Korean and let me know?

Anyways, whatever goals you have, I want to support you no matter what.

여러분 모두 화이팅이에요!

All right. 그럼 오늘은 여기까지 설명을 마칠게요. Then this is it for today!

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