S2 Ep14: Dialogue | Going shopping 쇼핑하기

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시즌2, 14화. 대화편 | 쇼핑하기

Season 2, Episode 14 – Dialogue | Going shopping

C: 안녕하세요? 필요한 거 있으세요?

C: Hello? Do you need anything?

V: 치마를 찾고 있어요.

      V: I’m looking for a skirt.

C: 사이즈가 어떻게 되세요?

       C: What’s your size?

V: M 사이즈예요.

       V: M size.

C: 여기 흰색 치마가 있어요. 그리고 저기에 탈의실이 있어요. 한번 입어보세요.

       C: Here’s a white skirt. And there’s a changing room over there. Try it on.

V: 감사합니다.

       V: Thank you.

C: 우와, 치마가 잘 어울려요~

       C: Wow, the skirt suits you well~

V: 저한테 잘 어울려요?

       V: Does it really suit me well?

C: 네. 정말 예뻐요. 

       C: Yes. It matches you really well (Yes. It’s stunning.)

V: 그래요? 그럼 저 이 치마 살게요. 얼마예요?

       V: Really? Then I’ll buy this skirt. How much is this?

C: 이 치마는 지금 20% 할인 중이에요. 그래서 25,000원이에요.

       C: This skirt is on sale at 20% off right now. So it’s 25,000 won.

V: 우와 좋아요. 그럼 신용카드로 계산할게요.

       V: Wow, great! Then I will pay by credit card.

C: 네, 알겠습니다. 여기 영수증이에요.

       C: Yes, okay. Here’s the receipt.

V: 감사합니다.

       V: Thank you.

C: 네, 감사합니다. 다음에 또 오세요.

       C: Thank you. Please come again next time.

Okay, We heard a dialogue in Korean where one person is shopping for a skirt at a store.

In this dialogue, we can learn useful expressions to the actual situations. Then now, shall we break down the conversation together?

C: 안녕하세요? 필요한 거 있으세요?

V: 치마를 찾고 있어요.

C: 사이즈가 어떻게 되세요?

V: M 사이즈예요.

 The staff here opened the conversation by saying 안녕하세요? 필요한 거 있으세요? Hello? Is there something you need? 

In this part, as you hear the sentence, since it’s ending with 요, it’s already polite enough. But in some cases, people want to put extra politeness. That’s when people use the combined verb forms with an honorifics suffix -시. In Korean culture, in most cases, people try to give customers as much preferential treatment as possible. For this reason, staff or owners of businesses usually put extra politeness in their sentences. 

Apart from this, most Koreans usually use this extra honorific suffix in their sentences to bosses or elderlies. But remember that how much you want to be polite can vary depending on how close your relationship is with the counterpart. 

So in this sense, staff also said “사이즈가 어떻게 되세요?” What’s your size? in the following sentence after the customer said 치마를 찾고 있어요 I’m looking for a skirt.

사이즈가 어떻게 되세요? This sentence is also combined with the honorifics suffix 시. So if I want to say the sentence without the suffix, then it’s 사이즈가 어떻게 되요? Do you hear the difference? 

So if you hear the syllable 세 in present tense sentences, the syllable 셨 in the past tense, or the syllable 실 in the future tense, that’s an extra honorific expression.

All right! Then now, let’s hear the next part


C: 여기 흰색 치마가 있어요. 그리고 저기에 탈의실이 있어요. 한번 입어보세요.

V: 감사합니다.

C: 우와, 치마가 잘 어울려요~

V: 저한테 잘 어울려요?

C: 네. 정말 예뻐요. 

여기 흰색 치마가 있어요. Here we have white skirts. 흰색 white. We have many ways to say white in Korean. 하얀색, 하양색, 백색… etc. In fact, there’s not much meaning difference among these words. So you can use any one of these. But since we can’t predict which one the other speaker would use, it’s better to know various ways to say each color. I’m going to make a list of the colors in Korean on our website. So visit there and see various ways to say each color. 

And then the staff said 그리고 저기에 탈의실이 있어요. And there’s a changing room. 한번 입어보세요. Try it on. 


Here 입어보세요 Try it on. This sentence has also used the honorifics suffix that we learned before. So we can know that the staff is kindly suggesting the customer do an action, which is trying on the clothes. 

So the customer said 감사합니다 thank you. Also, after the customer trying on it, the staff said 치마가 잘 어울려요. You look well on the skirt. Here the expression 잘 어울리다 actually means “match well or harmonize well” So the literal meaning should be like 치마가 잘 어울려요 The skirt is well-matched you. In this sense, Koreans also use this expression to describe people’s relationships or a combination of objects. For example, 그 사람은 제 친구들이랑 잘 어울려요 The person gets along with my friends. Or 한국 치킨은 맥주랑 잘 어울려요. Korean chicken goes well with beer.


Do you see? Even though the translation can be different, the real meaning is the same. It’s always saying about the relationship, harmonization, combination or matching between the things or people you are talking about.

Likewise here, 저한테 잘 어울려요? Does it look well with me? So the staff said 네, 정말 예뻐요. Yes, it’s pretty. 

Okay, then now let’s hear the last part!


V: 그래요? 그럼 저 이 치마 살게요. 얼마예요?

C: 이 치마는 지금 20% 할인 중 이에요. 그래서 25,000원이에요.

V: 우와 좋아요. 그럼 신용카드로 계산할게요.

C: 네, 알겠습니다. 여기 영수증이에요.

V: 감사합니다.

C: 네, 감사합니다. 다음에 또 오세요.


그래요? Is that so? 그럼 저 이 치마 살게요. Then I will buy this skirt. The ending -게요 is used when the speaker wants to say a decision or intention. It’s often translated to I will do — in English. The difference between 게요 and 거예요 is simple. If you want to express your decision or intention strongly, 게요 is suitable.

On the other hand, if you want to express it without emphasizing, like a neutral tone, it’s better to use 거예요 ending. For this reason, you can’t say sentences with ending 게요 and the subject except for yourself together because it cannot be accurate to say another person’s intention with 100% sureness. For this reason, all of the sentences with ending 게요 start with the first person as a subject like 저 이 치마 살게요 I will buy this skirt or 저는 신용카드로 계산할게요 I will pay it with my credit card.


Anyway, so as she decided to purchase the skirt, she goes on to say 얼마예요? How much is it? So the staff said 이 치마는 지금 20% 할인 중이에요. This skirt is now on 20% off 그래서 25,000원이에요 So it’s 25,000 won. For all of these parts, we have to read the numbers with the Sino number system. Also, for the amount of percentage %, we can read it as 퍼센트 or 프로. So you can read it as 이십 퍼센트 할인 or 이십 프로 할인. 


And the conversation ends after the staff giving 영수증 receipt and saying 감사합니다 each other. 

So since there are many valuable expressions to apply for when you go shopping in Korea, try to read out the dialogue multiple times to get used to them with your mouth and your brain. And I hope you can utilize some of these expressions when you visit Korea. 

A list of colors in Korean

  • White: 하얀색, 하양색, 흰색, 백색

  • Red: 빨간색, 빨강색, 붉은색, 적색

  • Orange: 주황색

  • Yellow: 노란색, 노랑색, 황색

  • Green: 초록색, 녹색

  • Blue: 파란색, 파랑색, 푸른색

  • Purple: 보라색

  • Black: 검정색, 검은색, 흑색

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