S2 Ep20: Dialogue | Do you want to go to the movies with me? 저랑 같이 영화보러 갈래요?

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시즌2, 20화. 대화편 | 저랑 같이 영화보러 갈래요?

Season 2, Episode 20 – Dialogue | Do you want to go to the movies with me?

V: 크리스, 오늘 저랑 같이 영화 보러 갈래요?

V: Chris, would you like to see a movie with me today?

C: 음.. 영화 제목이 뭐예요?

C: Hmm… What’s the title of the movie?

V: 한국 영화 기생충 알아요?

V: Do you know the Korean movie called Parasite?

C: 네, 알아요. 그 영화 개봉했었을 때 영화관에서 보고 싶었어요. 그런데 그 때 시험 때문에 바빠서 못 봤어요.

C: Yes, I know. When that movie was released, I wanted to see it at the theatre, but I couldn’t watch it because I was busy studying for exam (due to an exam).

V: 아 그래요? 그럼 오늘 저녁에 시간 돼요?

V: Oh, really? So do you have time tonight?

C: 아 그런데 오늘은 힘들어요. 아마도 시험 공부를 해야할 것 같아요. 시험이 끝난 후 금요일 저녁은 괜찮아요. 바네사는 금요일 저녁 어때요?

C: Oh, It is going to be hard to watch it tonight. Most likely, I would need to study for an exam. Friday evening after the exam will be good. How’s Friday evening, Vanessa?

V: 음.. 저도 금요일 저녁은 괜찮을 것 같아요.

V: Well… I think Friday evening will be fine too.

C: 그래요. 그럼 그 날로 정해요.   

C: Yes. Then let’s set to watch that day.

V: 그럼 몇 시에 만날래요?

V: Then what time do you want to meet?

C: 글쎄요… 혹시 저녁도 같이 먹지 않을래요? 그럼 6시 쯤 어때요?

C: Well… Would you like to have dinner together as well? So how about around 6 pm?

V: 네, 좋아요. 영화관 근처에 정말 맛있는 파스타 맛집이 있어요. 거기 같이 가요.

V: Yes, good. There is a delicious pasta restaurant near the theatre. Let’s go there together.

C: 네, 너무 좋아요. 저도 파스타 정말 좋아해요.

C: Great! I love it. I also really like pasta.

V: 그럼 열심히 시험 공부하고 금요일 저녁에 영화관 앞에서 만나요.

V: Then study hard for the exam and see you in front of the theatre on Friday evening.

C: 네, 그래요. 그럼 금요일에 만나요.

C: Yes, Sounds good. Then see you on Friday.

Okay, We heard a dialogue in Korean where two people make an appointment to see a movie together.

In this dialogue, we can learn useful expressions to the actual situations. Then now, shall we break down the conversation together?

V: 크리스, 오늘 저랑 같이 영화 보러 갈래요?

C: 음.. 영화 제목이 뭐예요?

V: 한국 영화 기생충 알아요?

C: 네, 알아요. 그 영화 개봉했었을 때 영화관에서 보고 싶었어요. 그런데 그 때 시험 때문에 바빠서 못 봤어요.

V: 아 그래요? 그럼 오늘 저녁에 시간 돼요?

C: 아 그런데 오늘은 힘들어요. 아마도 시험 공부를 해야할 것 같아요. 시험이 끝난 후 금요일 저녁은 괜찮아요. 바네사는 금요일 저녁 어때요?

V: 음.. 저도 금요일 저녁은 괜찮을 것 같아요.

C: 그래요. 그럼 그 날로 정해요.

In this part, we can hear many good expressions that can be used to make an appointment with someone in Korean.

When Koreans want to make an appointment with someone, usually they use this expression first like “시간 돼요?” or “시간 괜찮아요?”

These expressions mean “Do you have time?” or “Is it okay at a certain time for you?” Instead of this, you can also say, “a certain time 어때요?” It means “What about this certain time for you?”

So when you want to ask someone if they have time for a particular time, you can say like this

  • 오늘 저녁에 시간 돼요? Do you have time tonight?

  • 몇 시에 시간 괜찮아요? What time is okay for you?

  • 금요일 저녁 어때요? What about Friday for you?

To answer this question, there are also various ways.

If you have time for that specific time, you can answer like 시간 돼요 or 시간 괜찮아요 as a statement. In fact, many Korean people say 시간 될 것 같아요 or 시간 괜찮을 것 같아요 I think I am okay for that time.

Sometimes, Korean people intentionally tend to sound vaguely like this to avoid an unexpected chance of not making their words.

Also, when you are not available at that time, you can answer 힘들어요 It’s hard or 어려워요 It’s difficult or 안 돼요 I won’t have time.

So you can answer back like so

  • 그 때 시간 돼요 / 그 때 시간 될 것 같아요 I have time for that time.

  • 금요일 저녁에 시간 괜찮아요 / 금요일 저녁에 시간 괜찮을 것 같아요 I have time for Friday night

  • 주말에 시간 안 돼요 / 주말에 시간 안 될 것 같아요 I won’t have time on the weekend

  • 다음 주 토요일은 힘들어요 / 다음 주 토요일은 힘들 것 같아요 It’s going to be hard next Saturday

  • 내일 모레는 어려워요 / 내일 모레는 어려울 것 같아요 It’s going to be difficult the day after tomorrow

Okay, I’m pretty sure now you know how to ask if others have time for a particular time or not and how to answer whether or not you have time for a specific time in Korean.

All right, good job! Then let’s hear the rest of it together now.

V: 그럼 몇 시에 만날래요?

C: 글쎄요… 혹시 저녁도 같이 먹지 않을래요? 그럼 6시 쯤 어때요? 

V: 네, 좋아요. 영화관 근처에 정말 맛있는 파스타 맛집이 있어요. 거기 같이 가요.

C: 네, 너무 좋아요. 저도 파스타 정말 좋아해요.

V: 그럼 열심히 시험 공부하고 금요일 저녁에 영화관 앞에서 만나요.

C: 네, 그래요. 그럼 금요일에 만나요.

In this part, let’s learn how to ask about the listener’s intention or preference in Korean.

If you ask the listener with the ending -래요? in Korean, that is like “Do you want to do ___?” with a tone of asking whether the listener has an intention to do such action.


  • 저랑 같이 영화보러 갈래요? Do you want to go to see a movie with me?

  • 이 식당에서 저녁 먹을래요? Do you want to have dinner at this restaurant?

  • 나랑 사귈래요? Do you want to go out with me?

So the question is all about your intention; you can answer Yes or No and repeat the question sentence as a statement with clarifying your purpose.

like so

  • 네, 정국 씨랑 같이 영화보러 갈래요. Yes, I want to go to see a movie with you(Jung-kook)

  • 아니요. 저는 이 식당에서 저녁 안 먹을래요. No, I don’t want to have dinner at this restaurant.

  • 네, 석진 씨랑 사귈래요. Yes, I want to go out with you(Seok-Jin)

This 래요 expression can be replaced with each one’s negative form. However, it means the same with almost the same nuance.

  • 저랑 같이 영화보러 안 갈래요? 저랑 같이 영화보러 가지 않을래요?  Don’t you want to go to see a movie with me?

  • 이 식당에서 저녁 안 먹을래요? 이 식당에서 저녁 먹지 않을래요? Don’t you want to have dinner at this restaurant?

  • 나랑 안 사귈래요? 나랑 사귀지 않을래요? Don’t you want to go out with me?

Also, when it comes to conjugating verbs into this ending, it’s like this.

Like any other verb tense conjugation rule, it’s important to know whether the verb stem has a Batchim(받침) in the last syllable.


1) If the stem ends in a vowel, add – ㄹ래요.

For example, 가다(to go). Drop 다 and add ㄹ래요. Then it becomes 갈래요.

보다(to see, watch) – 볼래요

하다(to do) – 할래요

사귀다(to go out with someone) – 사귈래요

2) If the stem ends in a consonant/Batchim(받침), add – 을래요.

For example, 먹다(to eat). Drop 다 and add 을래요. Then it becomes 먹을래요.

읽다(to read) – 읽을래요

사진을 찍다(to take photos) – 사진을 찍을래요

앉다(to sit) – 앉을래요

3) If the stem ends in ㄹ, add – 래요.

For example, 놀다(to play). Drop 다 and add 래요. Then it becomes 놀래요.

살다(to live) – 살래요

만들다(to make) – 만들래요

팔다(to sell) – 팔래요

If you want to see more verb conjugation examples, go to our website and see the transcript. Then you will see more cases to get used to this conjugation rule.