June 2021

S1 Ep10: Can I call you Oppa(오빠)?

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: 10화: 오빠라고 불러도 되요? Chris:  Episode #10: Can I call you Oppa? Chris:  안녕하세요! 바네사, I have something to say. Vanessa: 어… 크리스… 갑자기 뭐예요? 이런 분위기 무서워요. 나쁜 소식은 아니죠? Hey Chris… umm what is it all of sudden?  I don’t like this atmosphere. I hope it is not bad […]

S1 Ep10: Can I call you Oppa(오빠)? Read More »

S1 Ep.9 Korean Age vs. Real Age

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: 9화: 한국 나이는 32살인데, 만 나이는 30살이에요. Chris: Episode #9: I’m 32 years old in Korean age, but my real age is 30. Vanessa: 안녕하세요? 크리스 씨! 잘 지냈어요? Chris: 네, 잘 지냈어요. 바네사 씨는요? 저 사실 질문 있어요. Actually, I have a question. Vanessa: 네, 질문이 뭐예요? What’s the question?

S1 Ep.9 Korean Age vs. Real Age Read More »

S1 Ep8: Why are there so many ways to say “one’s age” in Korean?

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: 8화: 나이가 어떻게 되세요? Chris:  Episode #8: How old are you? Vanessa: 안녕하세요 크리스씨 뭐하고 있어요? Chris: Oh, nothing. I’m just reading over the informational guide on the vaccine. But, hey, what does the phrase “백신 접종 연령 제한” mean? Vanessa: Ah, 백신 접종 연령 제한 means the Vaccination age limit. 

S1 Ep8: Why are there so many ways to say “one’s age” in Korean? Read More »

S1 Ep7: To say pardon me in Korean, Don’t say What? Instead say yes(네)?

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: Episode 7: 네? Chris: Episode #7: Pardon me? Chris:   안녕하세요? 바네사 씨. 밥 먹었어요? Good morning? Vanessa. How are you? Vanessa: 네. 먹었어요. 크리스 씨 이거 한번 들어봐요. Yeah, I ate already. Chris, anyway Listen to this.  간장공장 공장장은 강 공장장이고, 된장공장 공장장은 장 공장장이다. 어때요? Chris:   네? I didn’t

S1 Ep7: To say pardon me in Korean, Don’t say What? Instead say yes(네)? Read More »

S1 Ep6: 당신(You in honorific form) vs. Person’s name + 씨 (Alternative of You)

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa:       6화: 바네사 씨는요? Chris:       Episode #6: and you? (What about you?) Vanessa:   안녕하세요? 크리스 씨! 잘 지냈어요? How have you been? Chris:   네, 잘 지냈어요. 바네사 씨는요? I have been well, what about you, Vanessa? 바네사 씨, 저 질문 있어요. Actually, I have

S1 Ep6: 당신(You in honorific form) vs. Person’s name + 씨 (Alternative of You) Read More »

S1 Ep.5: 우리 가족이에요 (Learn and Practice 우리)

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa:       5화: 우리 가족이에요. Chris:       Episode #5: It’s our family Chris:   안녕하세요? 바네사 씨. 뭐 하고 있어요? Good morning? Vanessa. What are you doing? Vanessa:   안녕하세요? 크리스 씨. 잘 지냈어요?  Hello? Chris. How are you?  I was just looking at family photos.  Due to

S1 Ep.5: 우리 가족이에요 (Learn and Practice 우리) Read More »

S1 Ep4: 밥 먹었어요? Learn and Practice 밥 먹었어요? / 어디 가세요?

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: 4화: 밥 먹었어요? Chris: Episode #4: Have you eaten? Vanessa:   안녕하세요? 크리스 씨! 잘 지냈어요? How have you been? Chris:   네, 잘 지냈어요. 바네사 씨는요? I have been well, what about you, Vanessa? Vanessa:   네, 저도 잘 지냈어요. 크리스 씨 밥 먹었어요? Did you eat yet? Chris:  

S1 Ep4: 밥 먹었어요? Learn and Practice 밥 먹었어요? / 어디 가세요? Read More »

S1 Ep3: 돈 있어요? Learn and Practice ~있어요/없어요

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: 3화: 돈 좀 있어요? Chris: Episode #3: Do you have some money? Vanessa: 크리스, 안녕하세요. 혹시 돈 좀 있어요? Chris: 엇… 돈 있어요. 왜요? Vanessa: Hahaha. do not be scared. Actually, it’s an expression that we are going to learn today. Chris: Vanessa…. I am very shocked… You sounded like a

S1 Ep3: 돈 있어요? Learn and Practice ~있어요/없어요 Read More »

S1 Ep2: 정말 감사합니다 Learn and Practice: Honorific levels 반갑습니다, 감사합니다/고맙습니다, and 죄송합니다/미안합니다

Powered by RedCircle Vanessa: 2화: 정말 감사합니다. Chris: Episode #2: Thank you very much Vanessa: Hi Chris, How have you been? Chris: Hi Vanessa, I have been well. What about you? Vanessa: 수업하면서 바쁘게 지냈어요. I have been pretty busy with teaching Korean classes Chris: Oh, I see. By the way, I tuned into our

S1 Ep2: 정말 감사합니다 Learn and Practice: Honorific levels 반갑습니다, 감사합니다/고맙습니다, and 죄송합니다/미안합니다 Read More »

S1 Ep1: Learn & Practice ~좋아해요 | 한국드라마를 좋아해요

Powered by RedCircle   Vanessa: Episode #1: 저는 한국 드라마를 정말 좋아해요. Chris: Episode #1: I like Korean dramas so much. Chris: Do you like to watch Korean dramas? What about you, Vanessa? Vanessa: I love Korean dramas. It’s not because I’m Korean. I have loved it since I was very young. Chris: What are

S1 Ep1: Learn & Practice ~좋아해요 | 한국드라마를 좋아해요 Read More »